The Prince of Egypt Movie Study
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Although not 100% biblically accurate, The Prince of Egypt can serve as a springboard for discussion about Moses, the Exodus, and the Passover.
The film is rated PG, since it deals with heavy themes like slavery and the death of the firstborn. This study is aimed primarily at third grade through sixth grade.
This study has 6 pages and an answer key.
- Movie Quiz
- Discussion questions
- Cause and Effect
- Exodus discussion questions
- Bible vs the Movie
- Passover Today
- Biblical Connections
Good product! Thanks!
we enjoyed the format. The packet was very well written and allowed for meaningful discussion and writing response.
The Prince of Egypt Movie Study
This was a great resource for me to use while teaching about the Passion and the Passover! I highly recommend this for any teacher.
Looked for questions about the movie. These were great! Well done and age appropriate. Unfortunately our ability to show the movie keeps getting pushed back, but hope to use this lesson Plan soon