My Book About Recycling - English & Spanish
4 reviews
Note: This is a digital download. No physical copy will be shipped.
Learn about the different things that can be recycled with this free booklet. This book has 7 pages that you can cut in half to make a 14-page book.
Nota: Es una version digital que puedes imprimir para usarla en casa o en la escuela.
Aprende las cosas diferentes que se pueden reciclar con este libro gratis. Este libro tiene 7 páginas qué puedes cortar por la mitad.
Nathalie Sole It’s great for my prek class they love when we make our own books . Also a great way to learn about recycling.
Helen Carpenter My grandson loved it. Thanks!
Nadir Vall My Book About Recycling - English & Spanish
Tyana Spellman Loved this resource! We had a great time using it and learning from it!
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